Tuesday 8 December 2009

Webinar Scheduled - Jan.16,2010

The free webinar with the Electroniclocal and MarketDelta has been scheduled for January 16,2010, starting at 8am/0800 Chicago time.(timezone converter on invitation). The link to register is here or copy this url into your browser:https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/940225115

Looking forward to the webinar where we will be giving an overview of how I am teaching Kiki to trade, so get your questions ready.

Kiki is putting a countdown clock on the blog, but we'll also keep you posted by Twitter. This should really be fun. Looking forward to seeing everyone there.

Tom and Kiki


  1. Hi Tom, Kiki,
    I discovered this blog this past weekend. I started reading it from the beginning to the and didnt stop until I got the latest post. Great blog. I do trade around value areas but I always feel there was a missing element, i.e. order flow. I think you explain the concepts very clearly and would love to learn more. I signed up for your webinar. I look forward to it.
    I have started studying the market delta videos with interest. Any other topics I should read up on in preparation for the webinar?

  2. This is great, Tom.

    Is there any chance that the webinar will be recorded? I will be in africa at this time and will maybe have problems to attend, which is really a pity.

  3. Tom,

    Did you actually record this webinar?

  4. Paul, you can access the webinar from the links on the right hand side of the blog under KEY POSTS & INFORMATION
