Wednesday 11 April 2012


The market was waiting and waiting. Day after the trend day down. People seemed caught in the headlights about whether the market was going to tank or rally back up. The ES made a neutral day. It was just a milk day, no cream.


  1. jenrique42
    with the OF is relatively easy to see the change in trend, it is really hard to see what the point to enter, while making the change trend will tend to shock and one or the other can make us think we're wrong, of However both the ups and downs in have different patterns that continue to perfection, just a matter of discovering

    in the euro these days, after the downhills so strong, they have put him in the side, and it is there where you can look calmly at the trend changes, there are many examples of them, for example the present day has been very clear changes, and also yesterday

    con el OF es relativamente sencillo el ver los cambio de la tendencia, lo realmente dificil es ver cual es el punto para entrar, por que mientras van haciendo el cambio tendencial suelen dar algun que otro susto y nos pueden hacer pensar que estamos equivocados, de todas formas tanto en las subidas como en las bajadas tienen diferentes patrones que siguen a la perfeccion, solo es cuestion de descubrirlos

    en el euro estos dias, despues de las bajadas tan fuertes, lo han puesto en lateral, y es hay donde se pueden estudiar con calma los cambios tendenciales, hay muchos ejemplos de ellos, por ejemplo el dia de hoy ha sido clarisimos los cambios, y los de ayer tambien

    1. jenrique42, For me, an aggressive entry is much more profitable because I get in the trade early with a smaller stop.

  2. EL, I noticed no more renko charts....back to range bars.....what is up?

    1. Anon 12:04, As volatility and volume changes day by day and even during the day, I use what lets me see the best. Sometimes, when there is low volatility, I bring in more noise if it's tradeable.

  3. jenrique42
    could you give an example, whole, since you think of a configuration of a setup until you get your statistics, the way you use the MSA of adaptrade to see the statistics of the different setup?

    podrias poner un ejemplo, entero, desde que piensas en una configuracion de un setup hasta que sacas sus estadisticas, de como usas el MSA de adaptrade para ver las estadisticas de los diferentes setup?
