Wednesday, 10 October 2012

A Pic is Worth 1,000 Words

Today's post is the pic below. I'm posting it to show how the markets honoured the MP support and resistance areas. When price hits these areas, I look at my bar chart to see whether I should BUY, SELL or DO NOTHING.


  1. Tom you merged the first hour of ES session of 9/10 in to the 8/10 session , can you please explain why you did it and if you did it during yesterday trading day?

  2. Paulo C, I merged it because it was part of the same distribution. Not live because it was not evident until later.

  3. jenrique42

    I put the picture of the two entries today. While the first entry has been somewhat hasty, and having regard to the structure of the day I was seeing on the MP, I was thinking that it could produce a normal day, so although I could be turned against let's see how evolved the trade, it turned out well

    the second and somewhat more focused, the entry was somewhat tighter and faster in its execution


    os pongo la imagen de las dos entradas de hoy. Si bien la primera entrada ha sido algo precipitada, y teniendo encuenta la estructura del dia que estaba viendo en el MP, estaba pensando que se podia producir un normal day, por lo que aunque se me puso en contra se podia dejar a ver como evolucionaba el trade, al final resulto bien

    el segundo ya algo mas centrado, la entrada fue algo mas ajustada y rapida en su ejecucion
