Monday, 15 October 2012

Car Wash?

No, Cow Wash!


We had the annual country show here in our area in France. There were cows, horses, sheep and other animals being displayed and judged, and lots of stalls with stuff and food for sale. Fun morning.

My prep for today's ES includes looking at support and resistance. Note how the FavFib resistance corresponds to Profile resistance at VAL of the last distribution on Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!

    Can't believe it has been 3 years already.

    In my first post almost 3 years ago I said "I must admit I feel a little nervous and guilty. Why? Nervous you might stop, and the guilty part is I do not want anyone else to find you, Lol."

    Well, 3 years later and I'm a lot more nervous, but also thankful that so many others got to experience your wisdom.

    Thank you doesn't seem adequate so
    I am going with bless you.

