Wednesday, 17 October 2012

The Story So Far Today

The pic below is the 24 hour Profile of the ES. Its about 9.30am London time. The Profile is very revealing and has a number of trades that can be done just off it. Using the bar charts for timing lessens the heat that I have to take. Note how well the POCs and VAL/VAH work.

1. Triple top of the first distribution of 10/17 down to the VPOC
2. BUY off the VAL of 10/16 14:30

There's still about 5 hours before ES RTH and I'm sure there will be some more trades even before then. After RTH begins, I use both the 24 hour Profile and the RTH one.

1 comment:

  1. jenrique42

    that meaning may be that the dax, develop your VA within the IB in the RTH session? Yesterday and today he did apparently want to repeat. Some meaning bassist, is already the second time I see and earlier if unleashed a good run, knowing that now in the area of maximum expiration, December


    que significado puede tener que el dax, desarrolle su VA dentro del IB en la sesion RTH? Ayer lo hizo y hoy por lo visto quiere repetirlo. Alguna significado bajista, es ya la segunda vez que lo veo y la anterior si desencadeno una buena bajada, sabiendo que ahora esta en la zona de maximos del vencimiento, de diciembre
