Tuesday 27 November 2012

Holy Grail

As I progress with my book  I find it's really slow going- much harder than I thought since I want to do a really proper job. Meanwhile I thought I'd share some key ideas here on the blog that will end up in the book.

One of these key ideas is the search for the Holy Grail. There will shortly be a series of posts comprising a number of parts entitled: The Holy Grail and How to Find It. If you've signed up to twitter you'll be notified as this multi part series of posts hit the blog.


  1. Look forward to reading your posts. And I look forward to reading your book as well. Lots of stuff on the internet but only a few sites with the quality you offer.

    Reader from Sweden

  2. I really look forward to reading your book, will definately buy it (being a DAX trader, it is my professional duty :)).

    I have a small question for you, what session do you use for your TPO/Volume profile for DAX, the whole session 8:00-22:00 or just the pit session 9:00-17:30 ? Can you explain the reason behind that ?

  3. Very cool that you're writing a book. Looking forward to reading it.
