Monday 8 September 2014

Dynamic Market Profile

Markets are still in transition. The customers trade bigger size. The pits and locals are gone. Markets are trading almost 24 x 7.

I split legacy Market Profile into its distributions to find the information I need. But now I also use dynamic market profile. Pete Steidlmeyer has been doing a lot of work to resolve the trading issues he was having with the legacy Market Profile that he invented. His solution is dynamic market profiles and volume analysis through using TPOs that breakout as a way of organizing the markets. The bonus in this methodology is that the trader can specify the periodicity of the bars that the TPOs are based on. The default is still the 30 minutes but any number can be used. I'm currently using 6 minutes. Information about the dynamic market profile can be found here.

I have adopted the dynamic market profiles as it splits into distributions what were the legacy Market Profiles. Using these dynamic profiles and order flow analysis of the volume delta and other volume information available I now have the same or better order flow information that I had on the floor and I have that for more than one market at a time.


  1. Hello Boss,

    Are you still using 12, for "Minimum Bar Period" and 8 for "Break Out Period"? If not what are you using with 6 minute periodicity?



  2. 12-9 Rino but I'm still experimenting with dropping the 6 down andd upping the 12.
