Monday, 3 February 2025

Consistent Profitability with Just one Order Flow Trade

 There are myriads of ways traders get to CP. One of these ways could be by finding just one good setup that repeats itself many times a day in the periodicity you prefer to trade.

The chart below is the MNQ 39 Range using Orderflows footprint software. It has a long list of hard wired order flow conditions, each of whican be both alerted and signaled with colored triangles and other objects. You can see some bars have a very large triangle either below or above that bar. The large triangles show Delta Breakouts, one of my favourite metrics. Delta Breakouts are exactly what it says on the box:: there is a price breakout with a large delta.

Now imagine adding some other order flow conditions to a bar that has a delta breakout, say multiple delta imbalances and say a volume metric. You now can trigger a bar with these metrics. The next job is to look how far the bar(s) after your trigger moves and where to put a stop loss - testing. You now have your one setup to learn to trade in your goal to get to CP.


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