Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Webinar Only 10 Days Away

I am working on the webinar material today so nothing new. There were a couple of good trades as well as a losing trade in the ET.

There are currently over 150 people signed up for the webinar so Kiki and I are looking forward to meeting you all. I have over 30 slides prepared so far, but most of them only highlight topics and sub-topics that I will illustrate right from the MarketDelta software. We will be going over the process from newbie to consistently profitable so hopefully there will be useful material for everyone, no matter where you are in your journey.

I hope to post the webinar agenda next Sunday.

I am a bit behind in replying to the comments and emails but will try and start catching up tomorrow. I try and answer all mails and respond to comments within a day but the webinar prep is taking quite a bit of time.


  1. where do you sign up for the webinar

  2. I've posted an extra link to the webinar sign up. Otherwise see the Key Post section of the blog

  3. Hi Tom,
    Really appreciate you taking time to host the webinar. Looking forward to it.


  4. Hi Tom,

    I will be travelling when the Webinar is on so will miss it.

    Do you plan to record it (I think Trevor has that capability as most of his Webinars are recorded).

    Be great if you did as you will be creating an excellent reference resource.

    Thankyou for maintaing what is a really helpful (and emotionally stabilising) blog. It is very encouraging to read...

  5. Hopefully recorded webinar will be made available for those who cannot attend... Can you confirm?

  6. Hello Boss,

    I understand all the reasons on why you scale out (if you are reading this and do not, read the blog from the beginning, well worth the effort). Also, it is evident that Kiki decided
    to go that route herself. I know you have your hands full, but could you comment
    a bit on something you have mentioned. If going the all in all out approach the
    size equation and how it comes to play.



  7. Hi, why did you switch from MultiChart and Fin-Alg's TPOChart to Market Delta?

    I'm using Ninja Trader with Zen Fire trial and the Fin-alg TPO Chart and Market Balance demos right now. Do you think they are adequate vs Market Delta? I will sign up for their trial too but just curious why you switched since it's much more expensive. Thanks.

  8. Hi,
    If I can't make it to the webinar, is there another way to access the info presented?
    Thank you.

  9. Rino, for all in, all out, I would exit at irst support or resistance > 2 handles and make sure I had good re-entry techniques.

    I'm recording the webinar and hope that Trevor will too.

  10. Cignal, I switched to MD as it had all that I needed in one application includingchart trading. MC and Fin-Alg worked but MD is better as it uses the contracts traded rather than upticks and downticks I used in MC as a volume proxy.

  11. Hello Tom,

    I wanted to know if you could tell us which "requirements" are needed in order to understand what you will be talking about in the webinar. For example, you will probably mention things related to Market Profile, so anyone not knowing what it is will have trouble following the webinar.

    Thanks for your dedication anyway :)

  12. A knowledge of how MP is constructed will be useful but not much more as I will show, in detail, how I use it. Reading Dalton's MIMD OVER MARKETS would be perect.
