Wednesday 18 April 2012

Hump Day

Just grinding it out today. Flo is doing her thing and I'm doing mine.

I've been trading everything lately from ES to Soy Beans. Lots of opportunity. I have alerts set up and go where the action is. Markets go to sleep during the day and then wake up before going back to sleep.

This is the ES. Not a lot of action as you can see. The RED DIAMONDS are the exits.


  1. Hey EL - 1st Red Diamond - exit on green bar close or b/c slow cci was at -200. 2nd - green bar and fast cci and slow cci made a low peak. 3rd - red bar and fast cci got ahead of itself (above the slow cci). Anywhere close?


  2. Would you be will to tell us more about your exit criteria here? It appears to be the first up or down candle following the 45CCI making a -150 or +150 extreme reading (or a value near there). I ask because it's a similar signal to what I use to stay in trades longer for my final scale.

  3. Thanks for marking your exits. That's very helpful. Can you tell us what the reason for the exit was in each case?

  4. EL - I might be helpful if you could tell/show us what an alert might look like. Do you have them programmed such that any of several triggers form an alert for a particular chart? Price relative to Keltner upper/lower, or CCI?

    I assume you have different alert criteria settings and chart settings for each index or commodity.
